What is the value proposition of a CNG bike vs EV & ICE models? Bajaj Auto’s Rakesh Sharma answers

What is the value proposition of a CNG bike vs EV & ICE models? Bajaj Auto’s Rakesh Sharma answers

Rakesh Sharma, ED, Bajaj Auto, explains the logic behind launching a CNG motorcycle. He says the company expects this to be a pivotal point in the development of the two-wheeler industry in the country. And if we have to take the government at face value, which there is no reason to disbelieve, the CNG network … Read more

In H2, Bajaj Auto domestic biz showing signs of incremental growth; big opportunity seen in ASEAN: Rakesh Sharma

In H2, Bajaj Auto domestic biz showing signs of incremental growth; big opportunity seen in ASEAN: Rakesh Sharma

Rakesh Sharma, Executive Director, Bajaj Auto, says “the export opportunity is just unfolding. We are far from seeing it getting exhausted. The scope for two-wheelers in parts of Latin America and Africa is enormous. But participating in international business is not for the faint hearted. It is not for the trader. This is for the … Read more