PSB privatisation: NPA hive-off, staff transfers being considered


The government could hive off the non-performing loans of the two public sector banks that are to be selected for privatisation and transfer some of their employees to other state-run lenders in a bid to make them attractive for buyers. The government is likely to consider only banks that were not part of the recent … Read more

Delhi Police files FIR against 4 MLAs of Aam Aadmi Party and others


NEW DELHI: Delhi Police has filed an FIR against four Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLAs and others in connection with a protest against the privatisation plan for sanitation work. AAP leader Durgesh Pathak along with about 1,000-1,500 people had gathered outside the Civic Centre protesting against the privatisation plan for sanitation work. They were protesting … Read more

Divest governance of PSBs from govt, says former RBI deputy governor NS Vishwanathan


Privatisation is a bigger political decision and not an economic one alone, Vishwanathan said, adding that a bank holding company needs to be created first. (Representational image) Former Reserve Bank deputy governor N S Vishwanathan on Tuesday said there is a need to separate governance of state-run banks from the government and pitched for doing … Read more