NASA, ESA Missions Help Scientists Uncover How Solar Wind Gets Energy – NASA Science

NASA, ESA Missions Help Scientists Uncover How Solar Wind Gets Energy – NASA Science

“Our study addresses a huge open question about how the solar wind is energized and helps us understand how the Sun affects its environment and, ultimately, the Earth,” said Yeimy Rivera, co-leader of the study and a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, part of Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. “If this … Read more

Celebrate Heliophysics Big Year: Free Monthly Webinars on the Sun Touches Everything – NASA Science

Celebrate Heliophysics Big Year: Free Monthly Webinars on the Sun Touches Everything – NASA Science

Once a month (usually on the first Tuesday), the Heliophysics Education Community meets online to share knowledge and opportunities. During the Heliophysics Big Year (HBY) – a global celebration of the Sun’s influence on Earth and the entire solar system, beginning with the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023, continuing through the Total Solar … Read more

Celebrate the Heliophysics Big Year with Free Heliophysics and Math Webinars from NASA HEAT – NASA Science

Celebrate the Heliophysics Big Year with Free Heliophysics and Math Webinars from NASA HEAT – NASA Science

Challenged by the NASA Heliophysics Division to participate in as many Sun-related activities as possible, the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (NASA HEAT) has been hosting a monthly webinar for formal and informal educators, science communicators, and other heliophysics enthusiasts to promote the understanding of heliophysics in alignment with monthly HBY themes. Each webinar’s content … Read more