Covid-19 vaccine: ‘Hopefully next year we’ll be living a normal life’

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The first Covid vaccinations have begun to take place across the UK. Throughout the morning, patients and health workers at some 50 hospitals around the country have had the jab. ‘It hasn’t sunk in yet’ media captionMargaret Keenan was given the vaccine by May Parsons, at University Hospital in Coventry Grandmother Margaret Keenan initially thought … Read more

Covid-19 vaccine: ‘We could have a normal winter next year’


The scientist behind the first promising coronavirus vaccine trials says he is confident there may be a ”normal winter next year.” Speaking to the BBC’s Andrew Marr, chief executive of BioNTech Professor Ugur Sahin said the vaccine would reduce transmission of the virus – but some difficult days were still ahead. He added that so … Read more

Back to school: The new normal


After months of virtual learning, some schools have now reopened their doors to pupils. But with the ongoing risk of coronavirus, what does the average school day now look like? Students from five different countries tell us what measures their schools are putting in place to keep them safe, and how these new rules are … Read more

Deaths at home ‘higher than normal’

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Image copyright Getty Images Deaths of people in their own homes were still far above normal levels in July despite non-Covid-19 deaths falling to below-average levels in hospitals and care homes, figures show. The Office for National Statistics says patients in England and Wales may not be being admitted to hospital or they are discharged … Read more