NHS faces pandemic ‘triple whammy’ this winter

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Image copyright Getty Images The NHS is facing a “triple whammy” of rising Covid-19 cases, a major backlog in treatment and reduced capacity due to infection-control measures, according to health bosses. The NHS Confederation report on the English NHS said more investment was desperately needed. The NHS bosses also called on ministers to be “honest … Read more

How to get and use the NHS Covid-19 app


People living in England and Wales are being urged to download the government’s contact-tracing app following its official release. NHS Covid-19 instructs users to self-isolate for 14 days if it detects they were nearby someone who has the virus. This video shows how to install it on Android smartphones and iPhones. Source link

NHS Covid-19 app: England and Wales get smartphone contact tracing for over-16s

NHS Covid-19 app: England and Wales get smartphone contact tracing for over-16s

By Leo Kelion & Rory Cellan-Jones Technology reporters Related Topics Coronavirus pandemic image captionUsers will be told to self-isolate if the app determines they are at high risk of being infected People living in England and Wales are being urged to download the government’s official contact-tracing app following its official release. NHS Covid-19 instructs users … Read more

Covid-safe surgical mask offered to NHS for free

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Image copyright endoscope-i Ltd Image caption The device means patients do not have to remove their face coverings for procedures A protective device against coronavirus for at-risk doctors is to be provided free to the NHS. The SNAP device for ear, nose and throat surgeons was created after Burton-upon-Trent consultant Amged El-Hawrani died with Covid-19 … Read more

NHS cannabis guidelines challenged in court

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Image copyright Hughes family The parents of a three-year-old boy with severe epilepsy are going to court to mount the first legal challenge to the guidelines on prescribing cannabis on the NHS. Charlie Hughes went from having up to 120 seizures a day to fewer than 20, after receiving cannabis oil privately. Although medical cannabis … Read more