Teenage girls to launch Africa’s first private space satellite | CNN Business

Teenage girls to launch Africa’s first private space satellite | CNN Business

Story highlights Africa will launch its first private satellite into space It’s been built by schoolgirls CNN  —  They may be teenagers, but 17-year-old Brittany Bull and 16-year-old Sesam Mngqengqiswa have grand ambitions – to launch Africa’s first private satellite into space in 2019. They are part of a team of high school girls from … Read more

Turkey’s Red Crescent criticized for selling tents to charity instead of giving them to quake victims | CNN

Turkey’s Red Crescent criticized for selling tents to charity instead of giving them to quake victims | CNN

Istanbul CNN  —  Turkey’s Red Crescent organization has been criticized by lawmakers and citizens after revelations that it sold tents to a charity instead of donating them to people in urgent need after the massive earthquake that claimed more than 44,000 lives earlier this month. While people were begging the government for shelters to sleep … Read more

Turkey’s earthquake caused $34 billion in damage. It could cost Erdogan the election | CNN

Turkey’s earthquake caused $34 billion in damage. It could cost Erdogan the election | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, a three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here. Abu Dhabi, UAE CNN  —  The devastating earthquake that hit Turkey on February 6 killed at least 45,000 people, rendered millions homeless across almost a dozen cities … Read more