After black fungus, now ‘bone death’ reported in Covid patients! Likely causes to treatment, here’s what we know so far

After black fungus, now ‘bone death’ reported in Covid patients! Likely causes to treatment, here’s what we know so far

The medical fraternity is looking into the implication of cCovid-19 causing AVN. After black fungus, a new kind of health complication is arising among Covid -29 patients undergoing critical care treatment. The new condition that have left the health experts baffled is or avascular necrosis that causes the death of bone tissues. Three confirmed cases … Read more

PGIMER, Chandigarh conducts first evidence-based mucormycosis study; finds direct link of fungal infection with steroids and diabetes

PGIMER, Chandigarh conducts first evidence-based mucormycosis study; finds direct link of fungal infection with steroids and diabetes

Study found that on average it took 18 days after Covid-infection for a patient to be diagnoses with CAM Even when the country witnessed a declining trend of Covid-19 cases, the threat of Mucormycosis or black fungus mostly for recovered patients is looming large on the healthcare system. With 20, 000 cases and a trail … Read more