Living With Lupus: ‘One Day, You Feel Fantastic, Next Day, You Can’t Move’

Living With Lupus: ‘One Day, You Feel Fantastic, Next Day, You Can’t Move’

Sydney Evans had just returned from a hard-earned vacation in the Bahamas, a lazy, beachside break from her usual high-octane schedule: full-time work at a Washington, DC, nonprofit, a booming side business as a cake decorator, and leadership roles in her church. Then came the morning when she couldn’t budge. “I woke up and felt … Read more

Cancer Survivors: Move More, Sit Less for a Longer Life, Study Says

Cancer Survivors: Move More, Sit Less for a Longer Life, Study Says

March 24, 2022 — Cancer survivors who spend more than 8 hours of the day sitting are 5 times more likely to die over the ensuing years than their peers who spend less time sitting. Being physically active, on the other hand, lowers the risk of early death, new research shows. What’s “alarming” is that … Read more

Effort to Move Doctors’ Pay Away from Volume Finds Obstacles

Effort to Move Doctors’ Pay Away from Volume Finds Obstacles

Feb. 14, 2022 – Doctors are still largely paid by how many patients they see and services they provide, despite years of discussions about pegging their pay to judgments about the quality of the care they deliver, according to the authors of a new study. Volume-based pay was the most common type of base income … Read more

Move Over, G Spot — Scientists Have Found the C Spot

Feb. 1, 2022 — The G spot, an area inside the vagina that’s thought to cause exceptional sexual pleasure, can be difficult to pinpoint. Now, researchers are focused instead on finding an even more elusive sweet spot related to women’s sexual pleasure: the part of the brain that responds to genital touch. The findings about … Read more

Americans Move Less Than They Did 2 Centuries Ago

Nov. 2. 2021 — Hard workouts make us feel hot and sweaty because they increase our body temperature and metabolism. A new study tracking declines in both temperature and metabolism puts a number on how much daily physical activity has dwindled in the U.S. since the 1800s. We’re all taught that a normal human … Read more

Instagram for Kids? Experts Call Delayed Plans a Smart Move

Instagram for Kids? Experts Call Delayed Plans a Smart Move

Oct. 7, 2021 — How young is “too young” for Instagram? Since news broke that Instagram was developing a platform for kids, the idea has been highly debated. “Instagram Kids” is being designed for kids ages 10 to 12 years old and will feature parental controls, no advertisements, and other child safety features, according to … Read more

Apollo using digital to move closer to the consumer: Suneeta Reddy, MD – ET HealthWorld

apollo using digital to move closer to the consumer suneeta reddy md

ET Now: Is normalcy back? I mean, has the non-Covid portion of business returned to normalcy?Suneeta Reddy: In the first quarter, while our revenues grew by 30% to Rs 3,760 crore, 26% of this was Covid revenue. I believe this trend has now started to shift. We saw signs of that shift in July where … Read more

Whiley welcomes vaccine prioritisation move


The body which advises the government on Covid-19 vaccines says everyone registered as having a learning disability is now eligible to get a jab. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation made the change after pressure from a number of public figures, including the Radio 2 presenter, Jo Whiley. Her disabled sister had to go … Read more