Government simplifies family pension rules for divorced, separated women

Government simplifies family pension rules for divorced, separated women

In a significant move to enhance financial security for women, the government has amended its family pension rules. It is possible for a daughter who is divorced or separated to claim her deceased father’s pension directly, without having to wait for a legal decision. The changes, announced by Union Minister Jitendra Singh, now allow divorced … Read more

NHS England staff to receive paid leave after miscarriages

NHS England staff to receive paid leave after miscarriages

Kath Abrahams, who runs the baby loss and pregnancy research charity Tommy’s, said: “As the largest employer in the UK, the NHS is sending a powerful signal that staff going through this experience deserve understanding, compassion and the right to grieve – and that support is possible no matter what your workplace looks like.” Source … Read more

Woman who had eight miscarriages felt ignored at times

Woman who had eight miscarriages felt ignored at times

Research shows black women are at a 40% higher risk of pregnancy loss than white women. The UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists says the problem is urgent and needs greater attention. It says many complex reasons are driving this higher risk. Natasha Necati from Essex, is a trustee of the Miscarriage Association and … Read more

Scientists Create Human ‘Pre-Embryo’ for Research

Scientists Create Human ‘Pre-Embryo’ for Research

“These are organized embryo-like structures modeled on the human embryo, but in my opinion I don’t consider them to be the equivalent of a human blastocyst that comes from an in vitro fertilization clinic,” said Amander Clark, a member of Polo’s team and chair of molecular, cell and developmental biology at University of California, Los … Read more