Mutual funds: Market regulator Sebi to release stress test findings on small-cap funds

Mutual funds: Market regulator Sebi to release stress test findings on small-cap funds

Capital market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is planning to implement an industry-wide stress test for small-cap funds, moving away from the previous trend of conducting fund-specific assessments. Sebi’s whole-time member Ananth Narayan mentioned this significant development during his address at the Cafe Mutual Conference.  He added the capital markets regulator will … Read more

Ahead of OFS, Sebi initiates insider trading probe in GMM Pfaudler shares

Ahead of OFS, Sebi initiates insider trading probe in GMM Pfaudler shares

Sebi has asked the stock exchanges to provide five years of trading data on GMM Pfaudler, which in August bought into the global parent. Synopsis Large quantities of shares were borrowed from the Securities Lending and Borrowing or SLB segment and sold in the market a few days before the OFS announced September 21 at … Read more