Tata Quant Fund to merge with Tata Flexi Cap Fund: Should you stay invested if fund houses merge schemes?

Tata Quant Fund to merge with Tata Flexi Cap Fund: Should you stay invested if fund houses merge schemes?

Tata Mutual Fund has announced the merger of Tata Quant Fund into Tata Flexi Cap Fund, scheduled to take effect on March 21, 2025. Following this merger, Tata Quant Fund will be dissolved, and its unitholders will seamlessly transition to being part of Tata Flexi Cap Fund.  Investors who do not support the merger have … Read more

Punjab National Bank tweaks loan rates in home, car, education and personal categories; check details

Punjab National Bank tweaks loan rates in home, car, education and personal categories; check details

Punjab National Bank (PNB) updated interest rates on its retail loan portfolio effective February 10, 2025, in response to evolving market dynamics for enhanced competitiveness. This development was outlined in a press release issued by the bank on February 20, 2025. The revised rates encompass a range of loan products including home loans, auto loans, … Read more

NPS Vatsalya vs Long-term equity funds vs Children MFs: In which segment will you get maximum returns?

NPS Vatsalya vs Long-term equity funds vs Children MFs: In which segment will you get maximum returns?

Mutual fund investment: Since the introduction of NPS Vatsalya, many have been speaking about long-term investment plans, which extends for decades and can offer a multicrore asset on maturity. NPS Vatsalya, which is similar to the National Pension System, and equity MFs, or children mutual funds, are important tools for long-term wealth creation. Choosing the most … Read more