Landslide leaves at least two dead and dozens missing in Brazil | CNN

Landslide leaves at least two dead and dozens missing in Brazil | CNN

CNN  —  A landslide in the southern Brazilian state of Paraná killed at least two people and left dozens missing on Wednesday, according to officials. A landslide, which followed heavy rainfall, affected Brazil’s BR-376 highway, CNNE reports. Authorities believe mud buried six trailers, and up to 15 vehicles on the highway, as it tumbled on … Read more

Floods, landslides, kill dozens in Indonesia and East Timor

Floods, landslides, kill dozens in Indonesia and East Timor

At least 49 families were hit on Flores, in the east of Indonesia’s sprawling archipelago, Raditya Jati, a BNPB spokesman said in a statement. “Dozens of houses were buried in mud in Lamanele village… residents’ houses washed away by the flood,” Raditya said, referring to the eastern part of Flores. On Adonara island to the … Read more

Flash floods: Noticing early signals and minimising the risk of such incidents

Flash floods: Noticing early signals and minimising the risk of such incidents

If glaciers are monitored on a regular basis, it would be easier to identify the lakes that are in need of mitigation solutions. The flash flood incident in Uttarakhand has surely indicated that natural processes like this along with landslides, snow avalanches, lake bursts or cloudbursts can cause mass destruction. This makes it crucial for … Read more