Patki Hospital, Kolhapur and Lilac Insights, Mumbai announce new technology on NICS

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In the process of NICS, 20 microlitres of this culture medium is taken for the analysis of the chromosomal make up of the embryo, without disturbing the embryo. The blastocyst is frozen and preserved for the procedure of embryo transfer later. Patki Hospital, Kolhapur and Lilac Insights Private Limited, Mumbai have jointly announced the success … Read more

NICS technology improves chances of pregnancy in IVF treatment – ET HealthWorld

nics technology improves chances of pregnancy in ivf treatment

Credit/ Kolhapur: NICS or Non-Invasive Chromosomal Screening a type of testing of an embryo’s overall chromosomal normality prior to being transferred to the patient’s uterus during In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), a technology that is offered at very few IVF centers across the world was successfully performed jointly by Lilac Insights, a genetic diagnostic testing company … Read more

AI: A silver lining for IVF – ET HealthWorld

ai a silver lining for ivf

Over half a million In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) babies are born every year. Even though a significant growth is anticipated of the segment, the process is seen as a roller coaster ride for expectant parents as the IVF cycles have only 30 percent success rate. Each cycle is expensive — it’s taxing financially, physically and … Read more

World IVF Day: Is your lifestyle behind the cause of infertility?

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If you’re experiencing infertility and considering pregnancy then you need to bring modifications in your lifestyle. By Dr. Aswati Nair, Over the recent years, infertility has emerged as one of the most common health conditions that many young couples are going through. According to the fertility experts, our sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, reduced physical activity … Read more

Woman Sues Fertility Doctor, Alleges ‘Medical Rape’

May 27, 2021 — A New Jersey woman says a home DNA kit has revealed her doctor is her daughter’s biological father, and she is now suing for “medical rape” and “fertility fraud” 36 years after the daughter was born. Bianca Voss, 75, says she discovered this when her daughter Roberta, 36, took a … Read more

Sweden’s ‘broken’ IVF promise


Fertility campaigners in Sweden say healthcare officials have broken a promise to help more single women get pregnant. In April 2016, Swedish women without partners were given the same rights as couples to access state-funded fertility treatments including IVF. But waiting times are so long in one part of the country that women have been … Read more

IVF Won’t Raise Ovarian Cancer Risk: Study

By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Nov. 19, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization don’t appear to increase a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer, a new study finds. Previous studies suggested that women who used this assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF to get pregnant may be … Read more

Saviour sibling: Story of a girl conceived via IVF to save her brother’s life


A couple, who conceived another child through IVF specifically to save their thalassemic son’s life, succeeded in its efforts after their one-year-old daughter donated her bone marrow to her sibling. She was literally born to save. The one-year-old saved her brother’s life by donating her bone marrow, as per a report in news agency PTI. … Read more