It’s a wage, not labour, crisis

It’s a wage, not labour, crisis

Lockdown salary payment outcomes suggest formal enterprises are more resilient than informal enterprises. Synopsis There are three lessons for reforming our dysfunctional labour laws. One, any change must be balanced. Two, any change needs evidence. Three, any change needs openness. India’s labour laws are neither prolabour nor pro-employer. They are pro-labour inspector. So, why don’t … Read more

Corporate Trends – Company – News – The Economic Times

Corporate Trends – Company – News – The Economic Times

MNCs fear equalisation levyThe government recently expanded the scope of the equalisation levy – imposed on cross-border digital transactions in 2016 in a bid to tax internet giants’ digital advertising revenues from India –to include any purchase by an Indian or India-based entity through an overseas e-commerce platform, with effect from April 1. Source link