What does it mean to have a uterus transplant? | Explained

What does it mean to have a uterus transplant? | Explained

On August 23, doctors at the Churchill Hospital Oxford, in the U.K., conducted the country’s first uterus transplant. They removed the uterus from a 40-year-old woman and transplanted it to her 34-year-old sister, who had a rare condition that affected her ability to reproduce, according to the BBC. While the womb was functional, only a … Read more

Three-Parent IVF Now Legal in Two Countries

Three-Parent IVF Now Legal in Two Countries

May 6, 2022 — A fertility procedure that mixes genetic material from three people to prevent couples from having children with certain debilitating and potentially fatal inherited disorders is now legal in two countries: the U.K. and Australia. Australia’s senate passed a bill on March 30 amending pre-existing laws to allow the procedure in certain … Read more