Do our different blood types make us more vulnerable to Covid-19?

Do our different blood types make us more vulnerable to Covid-19?

Ordinarily, your blood type makes very little difference in your daily life except if you need to have a blood transfusion. However, people with Type A may have a higher risk of catching Covid-19 and of developing severe symptoms, recent research has suggested, while people with Type O blood have a lower risk. These study … Read more

The muddled public message on coronavirus isn’t just confusing. It’s harmful

The muddled public message on coronavirus isn’t just confusing. It’s harmful

But a number of communication and behavioral science experts say the WHO is definitely not alone in bungling some of its communication around the pandemic. On Wednesday, his Health Secretary Matt Hancock struggled to explain why the government is now telling people to wear masks in shops, but not in other indoor spaces, such as … Read more

‘From worst to first’: These states have tamed coronavirus, even after reopening. Here’s how they’re doing it, and why they can’t let up

‘From worst to first’: These states have tamed coronavirus, even after reopening. Here’s how they’re doing it, and why they can’t let up

That was March. Three months later, the state had “done a full 180, from worst to first,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. Now, the rates of infection, hospitalizations or deaths have plummeted in New York and several other states — paving the way for full economic reopenings. Here’s how some states have helped get coronavirus under … Read more

Moderna coronavirus vaccine shows ‘promising’ results in published Phase 1 study

Moderna coronavirus vaccine shows ‘promising’ results in published Phase 1 study

These early results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Tuesday, showed that the vaccine worked to trigger an immune response with mild side effects — fatigue, chills, headache, muscle pain, pain at the injection site — becoming the first US vaccine candidate to publish results in a peer-reviewed medical journal The vaccine … Read more

Hundreds of people celebrated the July 4 weekend at a Michigan lake. Now some have Covid-19

Hundreds of people celebrated the July 4 weekend at a Michigan lake. Now some have Covid-19

The Health Department of Northwest Michigan said other health officials in the state reported that several people have tested positive “after attending the festivities at the Torch Lake sandbar over the Fourth of July holiday,” the department said Friday. Those who tested positive weren’t able to identify everyone they had contact with, “and therefore we … Read more

Britain is the worst-hit country outside of the US and Brazil. It STILL won’t wear masks

Britain is the worst-hit country outside of the US and Brazil. It STILL won’t wear masks

This despite the UK being one of the world’s worst-hit countries by coronavirus — it stands third behind Brazil and the United States — with almost 45,000 fatalities. His comments came as a review of global scientific research on mask wearing was published by a multi-disciplinary group convened by the Royal Society — Data Evaluation … Read more

How coronavirus affects the entire body

How coronavirus affects the entire body

The team at the Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City — one of the hospitals flooded with patients in the spring — went through their own experiences and collected reports from other medical teams around the world. Their comprehensive picture shows the coronavirus attacks virtually every major system in the human body, … Read more

More evidence emerges that a TB vaccine might help fight coronavirus

More evidence emerges that a TB vaccine might help fight coronavirus

Researchers found that countries where many people have been given the vaccine have had less mortality from Covid-19. While that doesn’t mean that BCG somehow reduces the risk of severe illness form a coronavirus infection, it fits in with other research that suggests BCG can boost people’s immunity in general, and perhaps help against the … Read more

A third of Covid-19 tests are positive in one Florida county as the US breaks another case record

A third of Covid-19 tests are positive in one Florida county as the US breaks another case record

Over the past 13 days, hospitalizations in Miami-Dade County have gone up by 76%, the number of ICU beds being used has increased by 86% and the use of ventilators has soared by 124%, according to the latest data from the county government. President Donald Trump is set to travel to the county on Friday. … Read more

Covid-19 symptoms: 10 key indicators and what to do

Covid-19 symptoms: 10 key indicators and what to do

“We know more now about how it makes people sick,” said infectious disease expert Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville. Fever, cough and shortness of breath are still key signs that you might have Covid-19, but experts now know there are other … Read more