Over 180.95 crore Covid vaccine doses administered in India: Govt

Over 180.95 crore Covid vaccine doses administered in India: Govt

Over 4.6 lakh vaccine doses were administered to beneficiaries aged 12 to 14 years on the second day of the inoculation drive for the age group, taking the total number of doses administered till 7 pm on Thursday to over 13 lakh, according to the ministry’s data. Over 8.21 lakh children aged 12 to 14 … Read more

India fared better than others in managing Omicron-driven Covid surge, claims health ministry

India fared better than others in managing Omicron-driven Covid surge, claims health ministry

With 3,536 cases reported on an average in the week ending March 15, India contributed to only 0.21 per cent of global cases, the Union health ministry said. Global Covid case surge due to the Omicron variant led to a peak six times the previous waves but India managed to control its spread causing lower … Read more

Regular international flights likely to resume from March 15, say govt sources

Regular international flights likely to resume from March 15, say govt sources

Given the consistent decline in Covid cases, a decision on resuming scheduled international flights has almost been arrived at by the Civil Aviation Ministry following consultation with the Health Ministry, they said. Regular international flights are likely to resume from March 15 and will follow the standard operating procedures effective at Indian airports for foreign … Read more

Covid-19: India’s vaccination coverage crosses 165.6 crore: Health Ministry

vaccination IE Photo

India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage crossed 165.6 crore (1,65,60,85,526) on Saturday and more than 53 lakh (53,47,810) vaccine doses have been administered till 7 pm. India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 165.6 crore with more than 53 lakh vaccine doses administered on Saturday, the Union health ministry said. The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase … Read more

Risk persists even though Covid cases starting to plateau in parts of India: WHO

Coronavirus COVID19

Senior WHO official Poonam Khetrapal Singh stressed on the need to rapidly accelerate efforts to vaccinate all at-risk populations in all countries. Even though some cities or states in India may be beginning to see plateauing of COVID-19 cases, the risk persists and focus must be on reducing transmission and implementing situation-specific measures, senior WHO … Read more

Covid vaccination certificates in 5 poll-bound states won’t have PM Modi’s photo


Covid vaccination certificates issued in the five poll-bound states will not have Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s photo since the model code of conduct has come into force there, an official source said. The Union Health Ministry will apply necessary filters on the Co-WIN platform to exclude Modi’s photo from the vaccine certificate, the source said. … Read more

All travellers to UK to show pre-departure virus tests


The UK government has announced that those travelling into the country will need to show a negative coronavirus test pre-departure as it reintroduces Covid-19 restrictions due to the Omicron variant. From 0400 GMT on Tuesday, anyone travelling to the UK will have to show evidence of a negative lateral flow or PCR test taken within … Read more

Health Ministry rushes expert teams to 9 states and UTs amid surge in dengue cases

dengue precention PTI

A Union Health Ministry statement pegged the total number of dengue cases at 116,991 across the country. (File/PTI) The Union Health Ministry has rushed high-level expert teams to nine states and Union Territories with a high dengue caseload, the government announced today. The expert teams will assist the state and Union Territories in public health … Read more

Union health ministry amends NDCT Rules 2019  to bring clarity in definition of BA and BE study centre

NDCT Photo

The amendment, named as the NDCT (Amendment) Rules, has brought in a change in the Rule 2, in sub-rule (1) in clause (g) of the Rules 2019. In order to bring clarity in the definition of bioavailability (BA) and bioequivalence (BE) study centre, the union health ministry has amended the New Drugs and Clinical Trial … Read more

Rs 9,725 crore spent so far on Covid-19 vaccination drive – ET HealthWorld

rs 9 725 crore spent so far on covid 19 vaccination drive

NEW DELHI: A total of around Rs 9,725 crore has been spent so far on the Covid-19 vaccination programme including procurement of vaccines and operational cost for vaccination, the government informed the Parliament on Friday. It also maintained that there has been no delay in procurement of jabs and that the target of delivering 135 … Read more