What is the HbA1C test and why is it used to check for diabetes? | Explained

What is the HbA1C test and why is it used to check for diabetes? | Explained

India is estimated to have 10.13 crore people with diabetes, and another 13.6 crore people who are pre-diabetic, according to a nationwide study published in 2023. This apart, over 35% of Indians suffer from hypertension and nearly 40% from abdominal obesity, both of which are risk factors for diabetes. India accounts for 17% of all … Read more

Newer insulin therapies – a game changer for people with diabetes

Newer insulin therapies – a game changer for people with diabetes

With constant research and innovation, various new forms of insulin have been introduced and it has become the most effective way of managing diabetes. By Prof (Dr) L Sreenivasa Murthy According to International Diabetes Federation (IDF), it has been estimated that there are now approximately 425 million adults (1 in 11) living with diabetes worldwide, … Read more