Early Onset Colorectal Cancer: Why Is This Happening?

Early Onset Colorectal Cancer: Why Is This Happening?

Nov. 16, 2021 — In the late 2000s, Cathy Eng, MD, began noticing something strange: A growing number of patients in their 20s, 30s, and 40s with colorectal cancer (CRC), often at more advanced stages. “CRC is typically viewed as a disease for older individuals, so when I first started seeing these young patients presenting … Read more

Trouble for Biplab Deb: What is happening in Tripura?

Trouble for Biplab Deb: What is happening in Tripura?

Days after claiming that the BJP-led government would last 30-35 years in Tripura, Chief Minister Biplab Deb faces a rebellion within his own party. Biplab Deb had added a rider saying the BJP can have a long-lasting rule if it works to have 80 per cent households with spiritual leader Vivekananda’s photograph on their walls. … Read more