Peering Into the Tendrils of NGC 604 with NASA’s Webb

Peering Into the Tendrils of NGC 604 with NASA’s Webb

Webb’s view in mid-infrared wavelengths also illustrates a new perspective into the diverse and dynamic activity of this region. In the MIRI view of NGC 604, there are noticeably fewer stars. This is because hot stars emit much less light at these wavelengths, while the larger clouds of cooler gas and dust glow. Some of … Read more

Gamma-ray Bursts: Harvesting Knowledge From the Universe’s Most Powerful Explosions – NASA Science

Gamma-ray Bursts: Harvesting Knowledge From the Universe’s Most Powerful Explosions – NASA Science

Afterglows emit radio, infrared, optical, UV, X-ray, as well as gamma-ray light, which provides more data about the original burst. Afterglows also linger for hours to days (or even years) longer than their initial explosion, creating more opportunities for discovery. Source link

When Dead Stars Collide! – NASA Science

When Dead Stars Collide! – NASA Science

After that initial burst of gamma rays, the debris from the explosion continued to glow, fading as it expanded outward. Our Swift, Hubble, Chandra, and Spitzer telescopes, along with a number of ground-based observatories, were poised to look at this afterglow from the explosion in ultraviolet, optical, X-ray, and infrared light. Such coordination between satellites … Read more

NASA’s Webb Depicts Staggering Structure in 19 Nearby Spiral Galaxies – NASA Science

NASA’s Webb Depicts Staggering Structure in 19 Nearby Spiral Galaxies – NASA Science

Spiral galaxy NGC 628 is 32 million light-years away in the constellation Pisces. Webb’s image of NGC 628 shows a densely populated face-on spiral galaxy anchored by its central region, which has a light blue haze that takes up about a quarter of the view. In this circular core is the brightest blue area. Within … Read more

NASA Collaborating on European-led Gravitational Wave Observatory in Space – NASA Science

NASA Collaborating on European-led Gravitational Wave Observatory in Space – NASA Science

The LISA mission will enable observations of gravitational waves produced by merging supermassive black holes, seen here in a computer simulation. Most big galaxies contain central black holes weighing millions of times the mass of our Sun. When these galaxies collide, eventually their black holes do too. Download high-resolution video from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. … Read more

NASA Scientists Discover a Novel Galactic ‘Fossil’ – NASA Science

NASA Scientists Discover a Novel Galactic ‘Fossil’ – NASA Science

“There’s ongoing debate in the scientific community about how galaxies evolve,” said Kimberly Weaver, an astrophysicist at Goddard who led the work. “We find supermassive black holes in the centers of nearly all Milky Way-sized galaxies, and an open question is how much influence they have compared to the effects of star formation. Studying nearby … Read more

NASA’s Fermi Mission Creates 14-Year Time-Lapse of the Gamma-Ray Sky – NASA Science

NASA’s Fermi Mission Creates 14-Year Time-Lapse of the Gamma-Ray Sky – NASA Science

From solar flares to black hole jets: NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope team has produced a unique time-lapse tour of the dynamic high-energy sky. Fermi Deputy Project Scientist Judy Racusin narrates the movie, which compresses 14 years of gamma-ray observations into 6 minutes. Download high-resolution video and images from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. Credit: NASA’s … Read more

NASA’s BurstCube Passes Milestones on Journey to Launch – NASA Science

NASA’s BurstCube Passes Milestones on Journey to Launch – NASA Science

To ensure it can withstand the rattling it will experience at launch, the mission team transported BurstCube to Washington Laboratories in Frederick, Maryland, for vibration testing. Engineers strapped the satellite to a plate, which then vibrated at frequencies ranging from 20 to 20,000 hertz. Translated into sound, that spans bass to the upper limit of … Read more