FSDC for a special drive to help people get unclaimed deposits

FSDC for a special drive to help people get unclaimed deposits

High-powered Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) headed by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday underlined the need of launching a drive to help people get their unclaimed deposits in banks and other financial institutions. Briefing reporters about the discussions in the meeting, Economic Affairs Secretary Ajay Seth also said there is no spillover effect … Read more

Putin’s military operation can dent the household budget for average India consumer

Putin’s military operation can dent the household budget for average India consumer

Russia’s military operation against Ukraine sent the global oil markets in a tizzy as Brent crossed the $100 mark after almost eight years. For the India consumers, the short respite in local fuel prices could soon be over as the blowback from Putin‘s actions could sink their household budget. The pause in fuel price hikes … Read more