Inhaled nanoparticles can cross the placenta during pregnancy and affect foetus, study reveals

Inhaled nanoparticles can cross the placenta during pregnancy and affect foetus, study reveals

Scientists in their study have found that harmful nanoparticles that are generally found in our surroundings when inhaled during pregnancy can escape the lungs and enter the placenta and lead to low birth weight in babies. The study conducted by the scientists of Rutgers University was published in the Placenta journal. During their study, the … Read more

3 labs booked for prenatal testing without permission – ET HealthWorld

3 labs booked for prenatal testing without permission – ET HealthWorld

Gurgaon: Health department officials conducted a raid at a private laboratory in Sector 63 and found it to be carrying out non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) without the required permissions. This test, the officials said, can be used to determine the sex of a foetus through further genetic testing. While NIPT is legal in India, the … Read more