Retail investors should avoid derivative trading: NSE chief’s message on Diwali Muhurat day

Retail investors should avoid derivative trading: NSE chief’s message on Diwali Muhurat day

NEW DELHI: As about 90% of futures and options (F&O) traders end up losing their capital, India’s largest stock exchange NSE MD and CEO Ashishkumar Chauhan today warned retail investors against dabbling in the high-risk world of derivatives. “Stock market is meant for long-term wealth creation. An unpleasant experience disheartens the affected investors to enter … Read more

Why is derivative trading popular but not profitable?

Why is derivative trading popular but not profitable?

Derivatives, as the name suggests, are financial assets that derive value from underlying stocks like currencies, indices, stocks, commodities, etc. Options are the most popular among derivatives driven by Index options. While many reasons fuel the popularity of derivative trading in the stock market, here are the three prime reasons for the raging demand for … Read more