RBI extends tokenisation deadline to June 30 next year

RBI extends tokenisation deadline to June 30 next year

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) late Thursday deferred the implementation of mandatory tokenisation of card transactions after the industry sought more time to comply with the latest data safety rules. Merchants will now be allowed to store data until June next year. The earlier tokenisation deadline was January 1. “In light of various representations … Read more

India needs to evolve its own privacy, security standards for NDHM: Narayana Health’s Viren Shetty – ET HealthWorld

India needs to evolve its own privacy, security standards for NDHM: Narayana Health’s Viren Shetty – ET HealthWorld

The National Digital Health Mission must understand the limitations that exist in the healthcare landscape and evolve tools that address healthcare needs for patients at the bottom of the pyramid, said Narayana Health‘s ED & Chief Operating Officer Viren Shetty. In an interview to ETHealthworld, Shetty shares his perspective on key aspects for the success … Read more