Covid-19: PM backs Matt Hancock over Dominic Cummings’ care home claims
The health secretary denies claims he misled the PM at the start of the pandemic about testing. Source link
The health secretary denies claims he misled the PM at the start of the pandemic about testing. Source link
Ask almost anyone who works in care, those who need services and their families, whether the government put a “protective ring around the care sector from the very start” of the pandemic, as it claims, and their response is one of disbelief – even of derision. Source link
The notes reveal a scramble to decide the country’s pandemic response ahead of the first lockdown. Source link
Dominic Cummings has been speaking to MPs about the UK government’s handling of Covid-19. The former chief aide said Boris Johnson had initially dismissed Covid as a “scare story” and the UK had been too slow to lock down. Mr Johnson hit back at some of his allegations, insisting that the government’s priority had always … Read more