Covid inquiry: Jeremy Miles says Welsh schools were shut without legal power – BBC News

Covid inquiry: Jeremy Miles says Welsh schools were shut without legal power – BBC News

Miles is grilled about the controversial “stay local” guidance which came in to replace “stay at home” messaging as infections eased in May 2020. The inquiry hears the Welsh government felt “it was not possible to legislate to define local, as it would mean different things in different parts of Wales”, for example in rural … Read more

Covid inquiry: Earlier lockdown could’ve saved more lives – Gething – BBC News

Covid inquiry: Earlier lockdown could’ve saved more lives – Gething – BBC News

Gething is asked about local lockdowns – which began in Caerphilly in early September 2020, following local rises in infections. He says they led to an immediate impact “but didn’t mark a decisive turning back”. Most of country ended up in a local lockdown at some stage. “It was the right thing to try to … Read more

Covid inquiry: Astonishing reluctance to call Covid civil emergency – expert – BBC News

Covid inquiry: Astonishing reluctance to call Covid civil emergency – expert – BBC News

The inquiry is shown a briefing that PHW prepared on 11 March making the case for the Welsh government to declare a major incident. It outlined predictions that Wales would see 1.5 million symptomatic cases, 200,000 requiring hospital admission, an estimated 18,000 needing mechanical ventilation and 25,000 predicted deaths. The briefing also said that a … Read more

Covid inquiry: Disappearing messages used by health minister during Covid, inquiry hears – BBC News

Covid inquiry: Disappearing messages used by health minister during Covid, inquiry hears – BBC News

Covid inquiry: Disappearing messages used by health minister during Covid, inquiry hears – BBC News BreakingBreaking news Close breaking news Summary The UK Covid-19 inquiry has arrived in Cardiff and will scrutinise the Welsh government’s handling of the pandemic The inquiry covers decision-making during the pandemic by the UK government and the devolved governments in … Read more