DRDO’s Covid drug 2-DG expected to be in the market in June, says DRL

DRDO’s Covid drug 2-DG expected to be in the market in June, says DRL

In his address the minister described the 2-DG drug as a new ray of hope in the present challenging times. On Monday, the first batch of the adjunct COVID therapy anti-COVID drug, 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG), was officially released by the defence minister Rajnath Singh. As has been reported earlier this anti-COVID-19 therapeutic application of the drug 2-deoxy-D-glucose … Read more

Covid-19 vaccine update: Leading vaccine developers to release joint statement discarding hurried, premature approvals

Covid-19 vaccine update: Leading vaccine developers to release joint statement discarding hurried, premature approvals

However, drugmaker Pfizer, which is reported to be at the forefront of releasing the joint statement, has itself been excited to release the vaccine at an early date. Even as governments in different countries are willing to ease the regulatory guidelines for approval of a COVID-19 vaccine in order to speed up a public launch, … Read more