Discovery May Explain Black Americans’ Higher Colon Cancer Risk

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27, 2021 (HealthDay News) — New research reveals why Black Americans might be more vulnerable to colon cancer than white people are. The researchers examined age-related “epigenetic” changes in colon tissue. These changes affect how genes work. The investigators found that in both Black and white people, one side of the … Read more

Colon Polyps | NIDDK

colon polyps square

View or Print All Sections Colon polyps are growths on the lining of your colon and rectum. Most polyps are not cancerous, but some may develop into cancer over time. Removing polyps can help prevent colorectal cancer. Most people with colon polyps don’t have symptoms. … Read more

Task Force: Screen for Colon Cancer at Age 45

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Oct. 27, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Average folks should start being screened at age 45 to prevent colon cancer, five years earlier than is now recommended, the nation’s top preventive medicine panel says. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force currently recommends that people aged 50 … Read more

Coffee May Slow Spread of Colon Cancer

The findings were published online Sept. 17 in the journal JAMA Oncology. Still, the researchers cautioned that although their work pinpoints a link between coffee and better cancer outcomes, it does not prove that drinking coffee actually causes mortality risk to drop or colon cancer growth to slow. And Mackintosh explicitly cautioned colon … Read more