CGHS Guidelines Revised: Here are revised benefits, details for central govt employees, pensioners

CGHS Guidelines Revised: Here are revised benefits, details for central govt employees, pensioners

CGHS revised rules: The guidelines for Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) cardholders have been tweaked by the Centre in a bid to enhance healthcare facilities. The tweaked guidelines, issued in an Office Memorandum (OM) of the Union Ministry of Health on September 24, 2024, have been floated to streamline the referral process for consultations, treatments, … Read more

Unified Pension Scheme: How will pension be calculated if service is less than 25 years? Check details

Unified Pension Scheme: How will pension be calculated if service is less than 25 years? Check details

The Unified Pension Scheme (UPS), introduced by the NDA government as an alternative to the current National Pension System (NPS), has sparked significant speculation concerning its reach and pension fund. Subscribers of the NPS under the government who transition to the UPS or new entrants stand to benefit from its enhanced security in the form … Read more