Prostate cancer: Glowing dye used to help find invisible cells

Prostate cancer: Glowing dye used to help find invisible cells

6 hours ago By Aurelia Foster, Health reporter, BBC News Cancer Research UK A special light is shone on to the prostate, which makes the cancer cells show up A special type of fluorescent dye might help surgeons better locate and remove prostate cancer cells, UK scientists from University of Oxford believe. Getting rid of all of … Read more

IIT Madras, IIT Mandi researchers engineer N nimmoniana plant cells to increase Camptothecin production, used in cancer treatment – ET HealthWorld

IIT Madras, IIT Mandi researchers engineer N nimmoniana plant cells to increase Camptothecin production, used in cancer treatment – ET HealthWorld

Chennai: Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) and IIT Mandi researchers have metabolically engineered the plant cells of Nothapodytes nimmoniana to increase the production of Camptothecin, which is used to treat cancer. The researchers from the Plant Cell Technology Lab of IIT Madras have developed a genome-scale metabolic model for N nimmoniana plant cells … Read more