Ukraine: Premature babies struggling for life in bombed cities

Ukraine: Premature babies struggling for life in bombed cities

“When babies are premature, they need all sorts of medical attention, and increasingly that care has to come in bunkers where they don’t have the hygiene or facilities [and] are under bombardment,” said Unicef spokesman James Elder. “Attacking hospitals, indiscriminate attacks, preventing humanitarian aid for children – they’re clear breaches of international humanitarian law.” Source … Read more

Russian Airstrike Devastates Ukraine Maternity Hospital

Russian Airstrike Devastates Ukraine Maternity Hospital

March 9, 2022 A maternity hospital in the Ukraine port city of Mariupol was heavily damaged by a Russian airstrike on Wednesday, leaving at least 17 people injured or wounded, Ukrainian officials told The Associated Press. Video and photos showed scorched vehicles and trees outside the building and people helping the injured leave the area, … Read more