पाकिस्तान को मिला ‘काले सोने’ का भंडार, लेकिन सामने आई ये बड़ी मुसीबत

पाकिस्तान को मिला ‘काले सोने’ का भंडार, लेकिन सामने आई ये बड़ी मुसीबत

दिवालिया होने के कगार पर खड़े पाकिस्तान को हाल ही में एक बड़ी अच्छी खबर मिली है. पाकिस्तान ने अपने समुद्री क्षेत्र में कच्चे तेल और प्राकृतिक गैस का विशाल भंडार खोजा है जिसे लेकर कहा जा रहा है कि यह बदहाल पाकिस्तान की किस्मत बदल देगा. तीन सालों तक चले सर्वे के बाद खोजे गए … Read more

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

For the past decade, Mikayla Lowe Davis has been braiding and styling hair for her customers. “The first thing people see a lot of times is our hair,” she says. “We have to represent our crown and be confident with wearing it.” The 29-year-old stylist, who owns Mikki Styles Salon, is braiding in synthetic hair … Read more

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

For the past decade, Mikayla Lowe Davis has been braiding and styling hair for her customers. “The first thing people see a lot of times is our hair,” she says. “We have to represent our crown and be confident with wearing it.” The 29-year-old stylist, who owns Mikki Styles Salon, is braiding in synthetic hair … Read more

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

For the past decade, Mikayla Lowe Davis has been braiding and styling hair for her customers. “The first thing people see a lot of times is our hair,” she says. “We have to represent our crown and be confident with wearing it.” The 29-year-old stylist, who owns Mikki Styles Salon, is braiding in synthetic hair … Read more

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

For the past decade, Mikayla Lowe Davis has been braiding and styling hair for her customers. “The first thing people see a lot of times is our hair,” she says. “We have to represent our crown and be confident with wearing it.” The 29-year-old stylist, who owns Mikki Styles Salon, is braiding in synthetic hair … Read more

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

How global demand for hair products is linked to forced labor in China

For the past decade, Mikayla Lowe Davis has been braiding and styling hair for her customers. “The first thing people see a lot of times is our hair,” she says. “We have to represent our crown and be confident with wearing it.” The 29-year-old stylist, who owns Mikki Styles Salon, is braiding in synthetic hair … Read more