Bird flu: Maharashtra government issues red alert, asks district officials to keep strict vigil

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So far Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan have reported cases of bird flu in the country. After the cases of bird flu were reported from as many as five states, the state government has issued the red alert in the state of Maharashtra and instructed the district officials to keep a vigil … Read more

There’s no evidence of bird flu infecting humans: Sanjeev Balyan


New Delhi: Amid reports of the spread of avian influenza in a few states, union minister of state for animal husbandry and dairying Sanjeev Balyan said there was no evidence of the disease infecting humans. “Avian influenza can be transmitted into humans. But in India there is no report of such infection so far since … Read more

Bird Flu: Centre issues alert to states after H5N1 virus found in birds in Himachal Pradesh

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The WHO also added that there is no possibility of the virus spreading through well cooked food as the virus is heat sensitive and cannot tolerate high temperature. The reports of several thousands birds dying in different parts of the country and the confirmation of H5N1 avian influenza virus in the bodies of birds found … Read more

Bird flu declared state-specific disaster in Kerala after several ducks die, high alert sounded; Details

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In Alappuzha, the flu had been reported among the ducks of four panchayats. (Image: IE) Bird flu in Kerala: The government of Kerala has declared bird flu a ‘state-specific disaster’, and has also issued a high alert regarding it, according to news agency ANI. The development has come after the flu outbreak took place in … Read more

Bird Flu in India 2021 Latest Updates: Cases reported in Kerala, Himachal, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan

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Bird flu has been detected in the state in the migratory birds found dead at Pong Dam Lake in Himachal Pradesh’s Kangra district. Image: ANI Bird Flu cases have been reported from several places in the country. In Himachal Pradesh, the Kangra Kangra District Magistrate today issued order, completely prohibiting sale/purchase/export of any poultry/birds/fish of … Read more

Madhya Pradesh: Bird flu virus detected in dead crows in Indore


Indore: Bird flu virus has been detected in around 50 crows whose carcasses were found in the city three days ago, putting the authorities on alert, a civic health official said on Friday. The authorities have now launched a drive to identify those with suspected flu symptoms in the area. “Nearly fifty crows were found … Read more