Laurie Baker’s buildings that showcase the architecture he championed are living museums of his philosophy

Laurie Baker’s  buildings that showcase the architecture he championed are living museums of his philosophy

Surprises abound in every Laurie Baker building. The iconic architect, and champion of sustainable housing, was an artist and Gandhian who built spaces that had character.  His buildings were not monotonous rectangular spaces that conformed to a pattern. Instead, inside his buildings, light paints picturesque interiors; cleverly-laced doors and windows in different sizes and shapes … Read more

An expert-approved blueprint on climate-responsive architecture in India

An expert-approved blueprint on climate-responsive architecture in India

A 2020 report by the McKinsey Global Institute, titled ‘Will India get too hot to work?’ states that ‘India could become one of the first places in the world to experience heat waves that cross the survivability limit for a healthy human being resting in the shade, and this could occur as early as next … Read more