Indian democracy doesn’t need foreign certificate: BJP on global celebrities’ support to farmer protest

Indian democracy doesn’t need foreign certificate: BJP on global celebrities’ support to farmer protest

New Delhi: The ruling BJP on Thursday dubbed the support of some foreign celebrities to the protesting farmers as an attempt to destabilise the country and said that the Indian democracy doesn’t need foreign certificate. Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg and several people from the international community had come out in support of the farmers … Read more

View: Punjab-Haryana’s top 200,000 farmers want to remain among the top 8% of all earners in India

View: Punjab-Haryana’s top 200,000 farmers want to remain among the top 8% of all earners in India

It is for policymakers to decide whether a ‘fair’ guaranteed income to the top 200,000 farmers of Punjab Haryana — remember, MSP is not subject to market forces and is like a price set by a monopolist — is to place them among the richest earners in India. Synopsis The Punjab farmer has the lowest … Read more

New farm laws are an attack on soul of every farmer: Rahul Gandhi

New farm laws are an attack on soul of every farmer: Rahul Gandhi

CHANDIGARH: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday kept up his attack on the central government over the recently enacted farm laws, and said these are a blatant attack on the soul of every farmer and that such legislations “weaken” the country’s foundation. “These three laws are an attack on the soul of every farmer of … Read more

Directionless, issueless opposition trying to mislead farmers: Piyush Goyal

Directionless, issueless opposition trying to mislead farmers: Piyush Goyal

JAIPUR : Union Minister of Commerce and Industries Piyush Goyal on Thursday said directionless and issueless opposition is trying to mislead farmers of the country over the farm laws. “The Opposition is directionless and is not left with any issue so they are trying to mislead farmers. However, they cannot mislead farmers beyond a limited … Read more