Taliban call on President-elect Joe Biden to stick to US troop withdrawal deal


KABUL: Afghanistan‘s insurgent Taliban on Tuesday called on the incoming administration of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden to stick to the February agreement to withdraw U.S. troops. The United States has been pulling out troops under the deal which envisages the withdrawal to be complete by May, subject to certain security guarantees, while the Taliban holds … Read more

Pakistan and Afghanistan cannot afford risk of lawlessness, chaos: Army chief Bajwa


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and Afghanistan cannot afford the risk of lawlessness and chaos as such a situation would have catastrophic consequences for both the countries, Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa has said. Chief of the Army Staff General Bajwa said this on Wednesday as he met troops on the western border and visited a hospital … Read more

Two Afghan military helicopters in southern Helmand province collide, 9 soldiers killed


LASHKAR GAH: Two Afghan army helicopters collided while transporting wounded soldiers in the southern Helmand province, killing nine Afghan service members, the country’s Defense Ministry and local officials said Wednesday. The two Soviet-era Mi-17 helicopters crashed due to technical problems while taking off in Nawa district, the Afghan Defense Ministry statement said. The nine dead … Read more

Coal miner’s daughter survives ISIS blast, tops country-wide university exam in Afghanistan

coal miner s daughter tops afg

Eighteen-year-old Shamsia Alizada survived a deadly suicide-attack blast by ISIS on her academy two years ago. It killed more than 40 students and wounded numerous others. Scared, she briefly dropped out from Mawood Education Centre, but then went back with encouragement from her teachers. This deadly incident however couldn’t stop her from topping the university … Read more

Donald Trump to announce further reduction in US troops in Iraq, Afghanistan


Washington: US President Trump will announce further troop withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan in the next few days, a senior administration official said on Tuesday. The official told reporters travelling with the president to expect an announcement Wednesday on Iraq, and on Afghanistan in the coming days. During a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa … Read more

France backed by UNSC members block Pak efforts to designate Indians under 1267 sanctions committee


NEW DELHI: France backed USA, UK, Germany and Belgium on Wednesday blocked Pakistani efforts to designate two Indian nationals, under 1267 sanctions committee of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Pakistan had initiated a move in the UNSC with China’s support to designate four Indians as terror operatives. Earlier Sino-Pakistani efforts failed to designate two … Read more