PLACES team publishes blog post on NextGenScience Blog – NASA Science

PBDR instruction uses place, data, and science together to create contextually rich, rigorous, and meaningful learning experiences. This first-ever public share of the PLACES framework for PBDR instruction dives into instructional design, pedagogy, assessment, and other topics related to K-12 science education. In practice, PBDR can unfold in a variety of ways. The blog post outlines PBDR instruction from a pedagogical standpoint, shares some examples of what PBDR looks like in practice, shares perspectives of PBDR instruction from pilot study teachers, and details the next steps for the PLACES project. It also offers examples of ways the NASA Science Activation network can implement the framework in their own contexts. The PLACES team hopes that others within the Science Activation community will take up the PBDR framework and provide feedback about how using the framework unfolds.

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