Channel search operation after migrant crossings

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Image copyright PA Media The UK coastguard is coordinating a search-and-rescue operation after several boats of migrants crossing from France were spotted in the Channel. Two Border Force vessels, the Dover lifeboat and a Coastguard aircraft are working alongside French authorities. It is thought up to 200 migrants tried to cross the Channel on Sunday. … Read more

Critic of Chinese leadership freed after six days

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Image copyright BBC Chinese Image caption Xu Zhangrun was detained on Monday An outspoken critic of China’s rulers, Professor Xu Zhangrun, has been released after six days in police custody, friends say. The Beijing constitutional law professor was already under house arrest when he was detained on 6 July. He had criticised China’s response to … Read more

Premier League star Zaha racially abused on social media

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The Crystal Palace and Ivory Coast star wrote on Twitter, “Woke up to this today,” then showed what he had been sent by a user who appeared to be a fan of Palace’s opponent in Sunday’s match, Aston Villa. “You better not score tomorrow you black c**t. Or I’ll come to your house dressed as … Read more

Southern China hit by flooding

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Areas of southern China have been hit by heavy flooding, and the country’s flood response alert has been raised to the second highest level. Levels in Poyang lake have reached a record high, with thousands of soldiers dispatched to shore up its banks. Source link

Iran says ‘human error’ to blame for downing plane

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Image copyright EPA Image caption The plane came down shortly after taking off from Tehran Iran has said the misalignment of air defence equipment was responsible for the accidental downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane in January. In a report released on Saturday, the Civil Aviation Organisation of Iran (CAOI) blamed “human error” and poor … Read more