World Liver Day 2022: How to keep your liver healthy and strong?

The liver is the second-largest and one of the most complex organs of the human body. Although it is an important part of the human body, there is a lack of awareness about the organ’s function as well as various liver diseases that are in some cases fatal too. Consequently, every year on April 19, World Hepatitis Day or World Liver Day is observed to raise awareness about the organ and its various ailments.

On World Liver Day 2022, here are some dos and don’ts that can help in maintaining a healthy liver:

Some dos that can improve your liver’s health-

1. Consume a diet that has a good amount of green and leafy vegetables which must include Spinach, Broccoli, Kale, etc. These vegetables trigger a natural cleansing process in the body.

2. Start eating good and healthy fats such as those found in walnuts, avocados, and olive oil.

3. Keep yourself hydrated if you want a healthy liver as water helps the liver remove waste from the body.

4. Enhance the proportion of fruits in your diet and it should include some Vitamin-C-rich fruits.

5. Exercising regularly also contributes a lot toward a healthy liver.

Some Don’ts to avoid in order to keep your liver strong-

1. Avoid eating processed foods as much as possible as they have a high glycemic index that leads to a fatty liver. These food products also increase the sugar level in the body.

2. Avoid saturated and trans fats which include fried foods.

3. One of the biggest steps toward a healthy liver is to avoid consuming alcohol. Alcohol, a dehydrating agent, makes it difficult for the organ to get rid of the toxins in the body.

4.Consuming red meat can also contribute to the fatty liver so avoid it.

5. Avoid food with high sugar content such as chocolates, candies, and soft drinks.

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