Days after the tragic loss of India’s first Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat in a plane crash along with other military personnel, the mourning in various quarters of the country continues unabated. CDS Rawat who was the first General to be appointed as the country’s CDS was serving the mandate to unify the armed forces of the country to capably deal with emerging external challenges. However, even before the completion of his term as CDS, he along with his wife Madhulika Rawat along with 11 other military personnel died in the helicopter crash. Led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the whole country from all walks of life have paid their condolences and respect to the soldier who served the country for over 40 years. However, a special tribute from a shadow leaf artist has won the internet as the artist drew the portrait of General Rawat with a mere leaf with the help of skillful carving.
Leaf portrait artist Shashi Adkar who made this special tribute to General Rawat has garnered lots of love and appreciation from thousands of people on the internet after his portrait went viral. The portrait carved out of a mere Peepal leaf started doing rounds on the internet after it was shared by Union Ministers Ashwini Vaishnaw, actor Anupam Kher and a few popular personalities on the internet.
Adkar who is a native of Karnataka’s Mangaluru district made the fine portrait using a sharp blade to carve out the vivid portrait of General Rawat. The 35-year old artist along with his portrait wrote that he was extremely sad to hear about the demise of General Rawat, his wife and other military personnel in the helicopter crash and he wanted to express his gratitude to the late General through his art. In a snap video shared, the artist holds the carved out portrait in his finger which does not look as sharp from this angle. However, as he lifts the carved out leaf slowly and lets the sky come into the background, the features of General Rawat’s sharp face emerge beautifully.
This is not the first time that the artist has garnered praise for his leaf art on the internet. Previously, he has made portraits of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, late Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar, Swami Vivekananda, and Lord Shiva among others.
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