How personal care brands are innovating themselves using technological solution

By Dr. Himanshu Gandhi,

The world has undergone a phenomenal change in the last two years. Having braved multiple covid waves, we have learnt to manage things, even though we mostly remained home bound. While most of us managed our offices from home while taking care of the house as well as the family, time was one thing we never had enough of. The world has become confined to our homes, and thus digital marketplaces have been our saviours. From delivering our daily essentials to grocery to clothes to make up, to toiletries, everything has been available at our doorstep. 

Personal care brands, be it skin care, hair care, or babycare had to take this plunge and jump into online sales, even as they were doing pretty well with offline sales during the pre-Covid days. We all understood that innovation and advancement would go hand-in-hand. For the optimal, long lasting customer satisfaction, companies needed to update their practices timely, and walk with the advancements.

Personal Care brands globally are moving forward through technological advancements. Brands have well figured out that staying behind in this revolutionary phase will lead to stagnation. Of course, sales were happening online, but there were even more important things we were doing with the help of technology, namely marketing and getting feedback from customers. Since our customers weren’t allowed to reach us physically due to covid protocols, we reached out to them, and made them feel heard.

Whether it’s through feedback or through specific issue targeting, brands have held their position strong and streamlined their target audience for maximum impact on the market.

When it comes to marketing, new and unique methods that hook the audience’s attention are the key to making a long lasting impression. Many personal care brands have focused on introducing new, less heard-of ingredients with potent benefits and many have placed focus on innovative packaging and/or checkout experience. The focus has been on not just one aspect but on the overall experience when the client visits our site and decides to buy our products. Giving them full value for their money through discounts and offers has gotten the customers excited, and today majority sales are through online portals.

Owing to the direct outreach with the consumers with our continuous R&D innovations, we aim to take further strides in the D2C space and maintain a position as the most trusted brand to its customers. In addition to that, the key point to moving in the right direction with innovation is listening to feedback. Which is why a lot of emphasis is put on consumer reactions to the product. We not just seek feedback, but also analyse that feedback and work on ways to improve ourselves. So, all those forms that pop up seeking the customer’s feedback are not just a mere formality but an asset to us, which helps us in improving ourselves. And only technology could make it possible.

The personal care industry is seeing many new players entering the market. Everybody has their unique offering. However to stand out in this ever changing industry one must work with the mindset of “What’s good, can get better.” And this is what will make a brand stand out from the crowd. 

(The author is CEO & Co-founder of Mother Sparsh. Views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of the

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