As the number of active Covid-19 cases in India dropped below 8 million, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his seventh address to the nation after the Coronavirus outbreak in the country, on Tuesday urged the people not to be complacent and said: “the novel coronavirus is still around and even a small negligence can dampen the festive spirit.”
Though festive celebrations this year have been subdued across the country due to the Covod-19 pandemic, the number of Coronavirus cases during the festive period has seen growth. During Ganesh Chaturthi, Mumbai saw its highest growth in daily Corornavirus cases on September 10.
Infection probability in Kerala increased by 32% after Onam and the effectiveness of medical response dropped 22%, according to a joint study by IIT-Hyderabad and IIT-Kanpur. So the possibility of people getting infected has increased. Kolkata has already seen a spike in Covid number with people stepping out for festival shopping. After which the state government has put in place strict Covid norms to check the rise.
“Recently, we saw many photos and videos where it is clearly seen that people are not careful anymore, the PM said. “This isn’t right. If you step out without mask, you put your families at risk. We must remember – whether it is America or Europe, cases declined and then there was sudden spike,” he added.
While mentioning that the Covid-19 fatality rate in India is among the lowest in the world and the country has a very good recovery rate, PM Modi said, “people must be cautious during festive”. He urged people not to let guard down against Coronavirus. “We must keep in mind that lockdown may have ended, but the virus is still there,” he said
We should continue to be careful and not be callous until a vaccine is found, he further said. All countries are across the globe are working on a war-footing to produce Covid-19 vaccine. PM Modi said the Indian government is preparing for making the vaccine accessible to every Indian as soon as it is made available. “I want to let you know that once we get a vaccine, everyone will get it in a planned, phased, and fast manner,” Modi said.
He urged the nation to follow all safety measures till a vaccine is found for Covid-19. “We all must remember, there can be no laxity till a medicine is found,” Modi said.
It may be noted that currently, three indigenously developed Covid-19 vaccines are in different stages of trials in India.
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