Covid-19 Omicron Variant Live Updates: Scientists sweat as chances of long Covid in people increase manifold

Coronavirus Omicron Cases and Deaths in India Live, Covid-19 Booster Shot Vaccine Registration Latest Update, Coronavirus Third Wave in India Live News: West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh have said that schools will reopen this month. But situation is different in poll-bound states.

Omicron Variant Cases and Deaths in India Live, Covid-19 Booster Vaccine Registration Latest Update: As the Omicron wave sweeps the world, there is growing concern among the scientists that it may also increase the chance of people developing long Covid. Typically, such cases of extended symptoms such as brain fog, memory loss etc are seen in patient long after they have been cured of the Covid-19 infection. In most of the cases, the long Covid affects women more, says an AP report. There are theories that link the high risk of long Covid in women to the autoimmune diseases. However, researchers say that vaccine may not only help in fighting the basic infection but also saving you from the long Covid.

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Meanwhile, in India, several states have announced the resumption of physical classes for senior students as the vaccination enters round 2 for the teens in the country. West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh have said that schools will reopen this month. But situation is different in poll-bound states. While the Election Commission has extended the ban on physical rallies, no date ahs been announced for reopening of schools. Uttar Pradesh has extended the closure of the schools till February 15.

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