Jagadguru Peetham Srikakulam centre head G. Atchutaramayya on Friday said that ancient wisdom would continue to be the guiding force for the next generations and its importance had been stressed many times by The Theosophical Society founder H.P. Blavatsky and founder of the Peetham Ekkirala Krishnamacharya.
He offered floral tributes on the 129th birth anniversary of Blavatsky and 98th of Krishnamacharya at a meeting at Balabhanu Vidyalaya here. Science, religion, and philosophy needed to be taught to children to make them the best citizens in future.
Members of the association K. Appala Raju, K.B.M. Prabha, R.S.R. Murthy, Umamaheswara Rao, and Tateswara Rao were present. Earlier, the school principal P. Gowru Naidu distributed prizes to the winners of devotional songs, slokas and other competitions held on the occasion.