New paddy varieties and technologies developed for agriculture will be showcased during Krishi Mela to be held at the VC Farm in Mandya on December 2 and 3.
The mela is being conducted by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and University of Agricultural Sciences and will provide information to the farmers on the new technologies as well as new paddy varieties besides other crops.
This was stated by N. Shivakumar, Joint Director of Research at the KVK in Mandya on Wednesday.
He said IR.64 variety of paddy was being cultivated extensively by the farmers and this was prone to blast disease known in local parlance among farmers as ‘’benki roga’’. Hence KMP 225 has been developed which matures in shorter duration and is more resistant to blast disease, said Mr. Shivakumar.
Similarly, information would be provided on RNR 15048 which was more aromatic and tasty and many of the farmers had switched over to it on a trial basis and felt encouraged by the results. A.A.H 14-138 was a hybrid jowar and was resistant to blight disease or ‘’angamari roga’’ and will be displayed at the Krishi Mela, Mr. Shivakumar said.
It was among those crops that could be cultivated in drought conditions or with minimum water and farmers would be provided information on these varieties, he added.
There are more than 17,000 varieties of crop varieties at the VC Farm of which 100 to 150 varieties have been preserved for posterity and would also be on display at the Krishi Mela.
A variety of sorghum called CNFS-1 with high protein content will also be showcased at the mela and some of the farmers have already been introduced to it through field demonstrations, said Mr. Shivakumar.
More refined varieties of paddy, including hybrids, those cultivated under SRI (System of Rice Intensificiation) method and aerobic cultivation methods, would also be showcased besides agricultural implements and technologies that can be harnessed to reduce drudgery of labour during sowing. The Krishi Mela will also highlight the varieties of Siridhanyas or millets.
Among the commercial crops new varieties of sugarcane, chemical-free or organic jaggery, new varieties of fodders, oil seeds, methods of pisciculture will also be highlighted. The Krishi Mela will also exhibit varieties of fruits and vegetables that can be cultivated by farmers to enhance their income.
In a bid to address the queries of the farmers, help desks and kiosks to provide additional information will also be set up said Mr. Shivakumar.
S.S. Prakash, Dean, Agriculture, Ranganath, senior scientist and head of KVK, and others were present.