19,267 cases, in all, disposed of at Lok Adalats in Koppal district

The efforts made by the Koppal District Legal Services Authorities to hold Lok Adalats as a means to ensure fast and economical resolution of disputes have evoked a good response.

As per information provided by the District Legal Services Authority, 19,267 cases were resolved in Gangavati, Kushtagi, Yalaburga and Koppal courts on Saturday through mutual agreement and reconciliation.

These cases included 102 motor vehicle accident claims, 263 civil, 1,466 criminal involving compoundable offences, 95 cheque bounce, 291 other criminal and 205 electricity offences.

A significant chunk of those cases that were resolved came from issues at pre-litigation stage (16,845). A compensation amount of ₹26,37,47,052, in all, has been settled through mutual agreement and compromise.

Koppal District Sessions judge and president of District Legal Services Authority B.S. Rekha and Senior Civil Judge and District Legal Services Authority’s member-secretary Devendra Pandit thanked all judges, arbitrators, advocates, banks, insurance companies, clients and the staff of courts for their cooperation in ensuring the success of the Lok Adalats.

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