According to an official statement, this integration takes the benefits of the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) number to the Aarogya Setu user base.
People can use their ABHA number to link their existing and new medical records, including doctor prescriptions, lab reports, hospital records and also share those with health professionals and health service providers, it added.
Elaborating on the integration, Dr R S Sharma, CEO of the National Health Authority (NHA) said Aarogya Setu has played a pivotal role amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and has resulted in the wide usage of the mobile application.
“As vaccination helps us fight this pandemic, it was essential to repurpose this widely used digital public good. With the integration of Aarogya Setu with ABDM, we will now be able to make the benefits of ABDM available to the users of Aarogya Setu and enable them to join the digital health ecosystem with their due consent.
“Creation of ABHA is the start. We would soon roll out the functionality to view your digital health records as well,” he said.
Aarogya Setu app has a huge active user base and is already being used for COVID-19 related contact tracing to check risk factors, vaccine booking, certificate download and status check, among other things. This integration with ABDM will add another feature of generating ABHA numbers for the app users, the statement said.
Ajay Prakash Sawhney, Secretary in the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology said, “With ABHA, Aarogya Setu has enabled an important consent-based option for the citizens which will help them access their personal health record and useful services from the national digital health system.”