Under the programme, the health authorities are getting real time information detailing prevalence of diseases in the district and the person suffering from it through their health facilities, ASHA workers and ANM have been roped in for the survey.
Dr Anshul Mishra, incharge of IDSP said, “Every health worker is provided with a type of form- S,P,L. S-form is for the ground workers, involved in survey like ANM’s and Asha workers, to provide on spot information about any disease.”
P-form is for doctor, who had to fill all the basic details like patient’s name, address, contact number and others on it along with his diagnosis.
The third and last one is the L-form for laboratory personnel for providing details of pathological investigation, he said, adding that now, the on-spot real time monitoring of disease can be done with the electronic information including basic details of the person infected with the particular disease.
Earlier, only figures were cumulated about a disease like how many are affected with it. That was also done manually. First information was compiled manually on register then an excel file was compiled, Mishra further added.
But, now things will change. Also, the health workers will have an option of generating alerts in case any unusual thing happens like if an ANM comes to know about 20 diarrehea cases in an area, she can immediately alert her seniors and the disease could be controlled there only, added Dr Mishra. All health workers were trained till March 5 and post their training the IHIP portal began functioning, added Dr Mishra.