Sabrina Corlette, JD, co-director, Center on Health Insurance Reforms, Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy.
Tricia Neuman, ScD, health policy analyst, Kaiser Family Foundation.
Biden-Harris campaign: “Health Care.”
The White House: “Healthcare.”
Promises Kept: “Making America Great Again, Healthcare: President Donald J. Trump Achievements.”
US News and World Report: “Fauci Disagrees With Trump’s Claim About Rounding the ‘Final Turn’ on the COVID-19 Outbreak.”
The New York Times: “A Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic.”
CBS News: “Read the full transcript of the South Carolina Democratic debate.”
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “HHS Adds $628 Million to Contract with Emergent BioSolutions to Secure CDMO Manufacturing Capacity for Operation Warp Speed.”
Everyday Health: “Trump vs. Biden: Who Do You Trust With Your Health?”
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: “Trump Administration Proposes to Expand Telehealth Benefits Permanently for Medicare Beneficiaries Beyond the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and Advances Access to Care in Rural Areas.”
The New York Times: “A Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic.”
VoxEu: “Mask mandates and other lockdown policies reduced the spread of COVID-19 in the US.”
The Washington Post: “It’s true Trump didn’t pledge Obamacare repeal in 64 days. He pledged it in one.”
Congressional Budget Office: “Repealing the Individual Health Insurance Mandate: An Updated Estimate.
Los Angeles Times: “Trump and Biden offer starkly different visions of U.S. healthcare.” “Prescription drug expenditure in the United States from 1960 to 2020.”
AARP: “Hundreds of Prescription Drugs Are Costlier in 2020.”
The New York Times: “Trump Issues Expansive Order Aimed at Lowering Drug Prices.”
The New York Times: “As He Woos Drugmakers on Virus, Trump Demands Drug Price Controls.”
MarketWatch: “Here’s what Trump’s payroll-tax deferral could mean for your paycheck.”
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: “2020 annual report of the Boards of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds.”
NPR: “Another Problem On The Health Horizon: Medicare Is Running Out Of Money.”
Forbes: “Dems Slam Trump’s Executive Actions, Biden Calls Payroll Tax Cut ‘A Reckless War On Social Security.’”
Politico: “Federal court blocks Trump’s abortion ‘gag’ rule.”
NPR: “Trump Administration To Planned Parenthood: Return Coronavirus Relief Funds.”
NPR: “Trump Speaks At March For Life, An Anti-Abortion Rights Demonstration.”
The New York Times: “When Joe Biden Voted to Let States Overturn Roe v. Wade.”
The Associated Press: “In reversal, Biden opposes ban on federal money for abortion.”
Politico: “Biden calls for enshrining Roe v. Wade in federal law.”
JAMA Network: “Trump vs Biden on Health Care.”
The Wall Street Journal: “Trump Executive Order Takes New Aim at Drug Prices.”
Kaiser Health News: “Back to the Future: Trump’s History of Promising a Health Plan That Never Comes.”
Politico: “Trump’s talking health care again, with 2020 in mind.”
Reuters: “Factbox: Trump-Biden healthcare showdown in the spotlight amid pandemic.”
The Washington Post: “How specific were Biden’s recommendations on the coronavirus?”
Kaiser Family Foundation: “KFF Health Tracking Poll — September 2020: Top Issues in 2020 Election, The Role of Misinformation, and Views on A Potential Coronavirus Vaccine.”
Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center: “COVID-19 in the USA.”
WebMD: “Biden Calls for National Mask Mandate.”
Axios: Biden on presidential mask mandate: “ ‘Our legal team thinks I can do that.’ ”
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “Fact Sheet: Explaining Operation Warp Speed.”
White House: “Remarks by President Trump on the America First Healthcare Plan.”
Vox: “Joe Biden’s evolution on abortion, explained.”
Census Bureau: “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance: 2018.”
NPR: “What To Know About Those $200 Drug Cards President Trump Promised.”
Kaiser Health News: “Trump Administration Salutes Parade Of Generic Drug Approvals, But Hundreds Aren’t For Sale.”