In a show of strength ahead of the assembly polls, BJP president J P Nadda Tuesday conducted a roadshow in Bishnupur area of Bankura district, which will go to polls in the first and second phases on March 27 and April 1. Nadda started the roadshow at around 2:10 pm from Kumari Talkies cinema hall. It is scheduled to culminate at Bishnupur bus stand, a distance of a little more than 2 km.
Standing on top of a decorated lorry along with party national general secretary and Bengal minder Kailash Vijayvargiya, Nadda was seen waving at the spectators.
Waving party flags, BJP supporters shouted slogans such as “Jai Shri Ram”, “Narendra Modi Zindabad” and “J P Nadda Zindabad”.
Hundreds of people gathered on both sides of the road to watch the roadshow.
He is later scheduled to address an organisational meeting and a public rally in the district.